On April 19, 1986, the poet birth centenary , the well-known Manuel Bandeira
House was inaugurated with the name of Espaço Pasárgada . The building, built
in 1825 and put under the care of FUNDARPE because of its historical value by
the State Government in 1983, began to function as a space for the preservation
of the poet's work and for the literature promotion.
Main activities:
Library, guided tours and projects aimed at the dissemination of works by poets
and writers from Pernambuco by performing poetry recitals, book launches,
seminars, workshops, exhibitions, readings, among other dissemination actions
promoting reflection initiatives and debates about Pernambuco and Brazil
Hours of Operation: 8am to 12 a.m. – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. – Monday to Friday