Mani people already know that we livee in a cool city. There’s a bunch of people doing good music, in the passinho… And in the food? You must lick your lips! In the same way, there is another thing that makes here a cool place: nature! There is so much beauty spread around. And being in touch with it is importante.
I’ll give you that letter! According to Neo Mondo, researchers in the Netherlands find that people who live close to nature can suffer 21% chance of developing depression. The benefits also involve an improvement in cognitive development, immunity, heart and lung problems, in addition to a reduction in anxiety and the possibility of developing diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Can you see?! It makes a damn good thing to spend some time in nature.
Açude de Apipucos – Crédito: Max Levay
And are you aware that everywhere you can find a way to enjoy the charms of this natural world ?! Recife currently has 25 Nature Conservation Units and 2 Landscape Conservation Units. These beauties correspond to the areas that present forest, mangrove, water’s course of environmental or landscape interest. Necessary for the preservation of the climate conditions, good for recreational, sporting, social or leisure activities.
To start, any adventure around the city put us in contact with the rivers. It is not in vain that the fame of the Brazilian Venice since it’s surraunded by fresh water. The most famous are Capibaribe and Beberibe but, besides them, they still have Tejipió, Jaboatão and Pirapama. They bring in fact, a unique face to our territories. In moral terms, it’s wonderful to have the sight of the bridges leaning over them. Navigating these waters is also possible! Catamaran Tours has several boat routes that allow us to appreciate our capital from another perspective.
Pontes do Recife – Crédito: Max Levay
With the rivers and the sea, the mangroves, the biomes that shelter great biodiversity and species of marine species. Chico Science and the people of Mangue Beat, even made Recifenses feel part of them. Here is the largest mangrove reserve in the urban area of America.
The Parque dos Manguezais, located between the neighborhoods of Pina, Boa Viagem and Imbiribeira, is cool! Apart from the wealth already mentioned and some others, it is responsible for mitigating the climate. A study carried out by UFPE, cited by CPRH-PE, attested that the replanting in the Park guaranteed an average decrease of one degree Celsius in the temperature of the Pina, contrary to the trend in other locations in the city, which showed an increase of up to two degrees.
Do you know Via Mangue? It has this name because of the Park. Now it’s easier to connect the name “to the person”, right ?! So, if you pass by there, be sure to take a closer look and notice the green abundance that surrounds the region.
Mangues do Recife – Crédito: Reprodução / Internet
Since we talk about the sea, our beaches are perfect to get close to nature. That nice wind in the face, sea of warm water, the noise of the waves, sun and sand for us to relax! There are 8 km of pure delight in Recife. It is so good to take a walk and have a coconut water over there. This is just one of the many options to enjoy the city’s edge.
Praia de Boa Viagem – Crédito: Arquivos SETUREL
I had given a spoiler that it is possible to find many other green areas around Recife. Yeah! There are hectares and more hectares of forest that remind us how the city has a privileged condition. The Botanical Garden, Parque Dois Irmãos, Lagoa do Araçá, Açude de Apipucos, Mata da Várzea, Mata de Dois Unidos and even more, allow us to truly immerse ourselves in a naturally delicious experience.
And you don’t have to go into the woods to recharge your batteries. Just look for parks like Parque da Jaqueira, Parque 13 de Maio, Parque Santana, Parque da Macaxeira or Jardim do Baobá, for example. There, you can play with the brats or practice various forms of physical activities outdoors. It also has a lot of squares and other small corners that can bring you the benefits of contact with the environment.
Jardim Botânico do Recife – Crédito: Reprodução / Site Jardim Botânico
Whether on the riverbank, in the woods, in the park or on the beach, the thing is not to fail to relate to this universe. In a Harvard Health School publication, Dr. Jason Strauss, director of geriatric psychiatry at Cambridge Health Alliance, says that the type of nature setting does not matter. “Focus on the places you find most enjoyable,” says Dr. Strauss. “The goal is to move away from the stimuli of the urban environment and surround yourself with a natural environment”. So don’t be upset! When this pandemic settles down, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the nature of Recife!
Leilane Alcântara